Building Holistic Community In Baltimore, Maryland, East Coast, USA

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Healthy Holistic Holidays 2010!

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,

I hope this note finds you healthy, happy, and living holistically while wrapping up your year (& decade!), preparing for whichever life adventures will follow. With profound gratitude for your support, I am pleased to announce that Holistic Health & Natural Healing has grown to over 2500 members in 18 months! This rapid expansion and community-building effort serves as true testimony to large numbers of people who currently seek a path of health self empowerment, re-embrace of lost healing techniques & wisdom, and a desire to live with divine contentment & sustenance.

For many years, I have traveled throughout the USA and abroad in search of the best ways that people heal. My journeys, whether in cities or countrysides, hospitals or pueblos, amidst life's peaks & valleys, have been joyous for every experience teaches us a lesson that needs to be learned.

What I have seen across lands & humankind is that each of us holds a responsibility to ourselves, as well as the world around us, to take care of one another, continue improving health & wellness access, education, & justice, and treat each other as we wish to be treated, for we all are connected. The human diversity we have been blessed with serves as a reminder to continue expanding our outreach & compassion, innovate better methods of living, and provide every generation greater health & wellness. Ultimately, that which truly benefits one person benefits us all.

What has, with all certainty, stood the test of time and diversity is our healing connection with nature. We, humans, are biological beings and were designed to stay close to, respect, and live in harmony with nature. When was the last time you stepped outside and enjoyed the smell of fresh cedar? Wondered at the miraculous color of fresh berries? Followed a bird's song? Sat next to a bubbling brook in silence? This holiday season, spend some extra time in nature to give yourself & those around you the best gift of all...encouragement of inner peace & sanctity.

I wish for you in the upcoming year 2011 & new decade, more connection with self, family, community, and nature. Joy, prosperity, and peace flow abundantly when nature--and we--are happiest!

Stay tuned for exciting, new features to Holistic Health & Natural Healing in 2011 including an interactive website, opportunities to promote holistic businesses, expansion of blog contributions & more! Remember to give the gift of connection to your online community by inviting a friend to join Holistic Health & Natural Healing or Women's Holistic Health & Natural Healing.

As always...Peace, Love & Healing,

Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic & Natural Health Consultant

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Life Is The Flower For Which Love Is The Honey

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends:

"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best -- " and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.” -A.A. Milne

It's time to get our honey eating on!

Honey is one of the best, most ancient protectors from sickness that exists in the human diet. Honey helps to keep cells moist, fights infection, and adds vibrance to our bodies.

There are many, different kinds of honey which come from bees that eat nectar and carry pollen from different varieties of flowers! Honey ranges in color and potency from dark amber (almost molasses colored), to a light gold (sunshine-colored). On the whole, the darker the honey, the more micronutrients.

Here are some delightful uses for honey:

Sandwiches (Peanut Butter & Honey, etc.)
Fish or Meat Dishes
Stir Frys
Facial Masks
Body Moisturizers
Natural Household Cleansers

Or taste it by the teaspoonful as a sweet, medicinal treat for the day!

Be sure to buy your honey as local, organic, and unprocessed as possible for the greatest potency & cleanest batch.

You may also, wish to ask your local beekeeper for beeswax to make homemade candles with!

When Victor Hugo made the statement, 'Life is the flower for which love is the honey'...

He might, just as easily, have stated, 'Life is the flower for which honey is the love'.

Peace, Love & Healing

Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Means Behind The Greens

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,

What makes green vegetables so, important in our diet? Dark, leafy green vegetables contain an abundance of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water that help to keep our metabolism regulated, balance our moods, prevent and speed duration of illness, and give our skin, hair & nails an extra glow. Greens also, help our muscles, blood, organs, and bones to stay tonified, cleansed, and relaxed.

So many great benefits to greens!
~Natural antibiotic/antiviral
~Immune booster
~Clearer thinking & focus
~Vision improvement
~Swelling reduction
~Bowel regulation
~Break down fats & cholesterol
~Alkalinize digestion and body pH
~Slow aging & maintain youthfulness
~Ease chronic disease
~Much more!

So, what exactly is it about greens that puts an extra spring in our step? Chlorophyll molecules in plants function in a parallel way to blood molecules in the human body. Specifically, chlorophyll gives color, strength, and nourishment to plants similarly to how blood gives color, strength, and nourishment to humans. Because chlorophyll and hemoglobin are molecularly identical except for their central atom-- chlorophyll = magnesium/hemoglobin = iron-- , when chlorophyll enters the human body, our system recognizes the molecule and uses it to fuel metabolic processes, speed healing of cells and tissues, and return vibrance to us. Chlorophyll also, acts as a stimulant for the production of bone marrow, provides extra oxygen to the human body, whether in the air we breathe from the plants around us or in our blood, and keeps our chi, or essential energies, harmonious with nature, the seasons, and our environment.

Next time you think of popping a multivitamin, think of one of nature's best multivitamins...Greens!

What are some of your favorite green foods and why?
Any special recipes you enjoy?
Green smoothies, seaweed salads, green gumbo, or spinach pie?
Share your thoughts--and recipes--on our group wall!

Peace, Love & Healing,

Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant

Ask Not What Your Body Can Do For You But What You Can Do For Your Body

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,

Each day I wake up and look in the mirror, I look a little different.
Some days I have a few more freckles, other days a few less.
Sometimes my hair looks a tad more brown, other times slightly, more black. On certain days, I seem to look a little younger, on others, a bit older.

Not specifically, because of a particular outfit, hairstyle, makeup, or accoutrements. Mostly, because that is how Mother Nature shines her light through me. This is true for all of us.

We all are affected by our environments, both internal and external. We respond to the air we breathe, food we eat, exercise we partake in, emotions we feel, thoughts we think.

One of my favorite experiments performed in recent years is the effect of positive and negative thoughts, emotions, energies on water crystals. When water crystals are exposed to positivity and 'good vibes' through written & spoken word, thoughts, music, healthy foods and biotic organisms, the crystals form beautiful snowflake-like patterns. Conversely, when water crystals are in the presence of negativity and 'bad vibes' such as inorganic toxins, excessively loud music or anger (spoken, written, or thought), they respond by forming misshapen and distorted patterns.

We, humanity, are composed mostly of water. We live on a planet which realistically, is more like a giant body of water with some floating land masses--rather than the other way around. Our atmosphere is comprised largely, of water. We can live for many, days without food but few without water.

Today, instead of trying to control or override your body, rather than 'beaming in' forceful, frustrated, or demanding thoughts, emotions, and behaviors...take a few minutes to tune into your body. Turn down the volume a few decibels on your predominant thoughts or feelings. Try emptying your mind and heart of all that weighs you down. Envision a peaceful, continuous body of water that connects you to your own cells, to the community of people around you, the Earth, the air. If you meditate on what your body most needs, you may be surprised to learn that its just a little more TLC!

Peace, Love & Healing,

Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant

PS ~ Thanks to all our new members!!!! And of course, to all of those who have joined over the last 18 months since the inception of Holistic Health & Natural Healing Group. I am profoundly, grateful for, and most, delighted by, your curiosity, passion, wisdom, dedication, and participation.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Holy, Holistic Distress Batman!

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,

Do you feel like every time you open a closet door something pops out at you? Does it seem as if your mind is always spinning? Do you find yourself afraid to turn off technology and sit quietly for a few moments? Are your days booked from beginning to end without a minute to breathe, relax, take care of YOU?

You may be suffering from a case of Holistic Distress!

Just when it seems like nothing in life is streamlined, there's no hope for slowing down, you'll never catch up with yourself...the perfect space for contemplation, reflection, forward movement and healing is possible.

In fact, it is in these, most challenging of life moments, that the greatest breakthroughs often, happen.

Sometimes, reconnecting with the breath and a simple mind shift --from obsessing over the dark cloud to embracing the silver lining--is all it takes to see through to the other side.

Does this mean EVERYTHING will improve INSTANTLY? Well, of course, not--it simply, means that when we get stuck in a mental 'traffic jam' and the exit ramp seems elusive, if we relax and accept the circumstances, we remember alternate routes home.

So, today, take a few, extra minutes to breathe, meditate, and be present in life while looking at your computer screen, sitting behind the steering wheel, asking your kids to clean up their toys.

Even better, make yourself a refreshing drink & take the time to taste it! Venture outside and listen to the birds! Relax for longer than usual before drifting off into sweet sleep!

On this day, in this moment, count your blessings, sink deeply into the wholeness of this amazing life journey, and enjoy being YOU!

Peace, Love & Healing,

Jennifer A. Sachs, Holistic Health Coach & Consultant

Staying Cool & Delighting In The Outdoors!

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,

Perhaps, you've missed our newsletters the last number of weeks?
So, where've we been, you're wondering?
You guessed it! Outside.

Summer is such a delightful time to spend out of doors.
Long days, warm rains, flowers blooming, fresh fruits, veggies & herbs in the garden. So, many Summer sports to choose from--swimming, boating, hiking, camping. Long nights relaxing with family & friends. That's how Summer should be spent, in my book!

Summer is the most 'Yang' time of the year--Hot, bright, busy, blossoming, full of movement.

How are you keeping your 'Yin' cool and staying balanced this Summer?

Lots of swims, siestas, and enjoying the luxuriously, long days?

I love to make juices with watermelon, cucumber & mint.
And smoothies with canteloupe & yogurt.
Stir-fry dinners rich with bright, colorful vegetables and salads, filled with herbs galore also, tempt the Summer palate!
Dollop on some of your own, freshly, whipped cream with local Summer honey for an added treat to your morning fruit salad!

What are your favorite Summer recipes and activities?
Be sure to post them to our group wall!

Peace, Love & Healing,

Jennifer Sachs, Holistic Health Coach & Consultant

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Are You Taking Your Grains For Grain-ted?

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,

Consider the grain!
Are you as grain-savvy as you could be?

Take this short quiz & find out!
Answers at the bottom of the page. Sorry, couldn't turn them upside down ;*)

1. T/F - Buckwheat is a type of wheat.
2. Name a grain that is high in protein.
3. T/F - Wheat is the most common grain worldwide.
4. Name a highly alkaline grain.
5. T/F - Beer is unhealthy.
6. T/F - Grains are unhealthy because they are filled with 'carbs'.
7. Name the commonly, used grain in Ethiopian & Eritrean Injera bread.
8. Name 3 varieties of rice (Minute Rice, Rice-A-Roni & Puffed Rice don't count!)
9. T/F - Whole grains are hard to cook.
10. What is your favorite grain?

1. False. Buckwheat is a member of the rhubarb family.
2. Quinoa
3. False. More rice and corn are eaten around the world than wheat.
4. Millet
5. False. Well-made beer has many nutrients, can aid in digestion and in small quantities is scientifically, linked to improved relaxation & quality of life.
6. False. Grains are an important part of a healthy diet; contain necessary fiber which aids in digestion; provide nutrients that help to keep hair/nails strong and shiny; and give us sustainable energy that curbs constant hunger.
7. Teff
8. Basmati, Wild rice, Short grain brown rice.
9. False. Once you learn the quantity of grain to water + the amount of time to cook a particular grain, you know it forever!
10. Share your answer in our discussion section on our group wall!

Thanks for playing!!

Wishing you a grain-tastic week!

Peace, Love & Healing,

Jennifer Sachs, Holistic Health Coach & Consultant

**From a scientific standpoint, some of the grains mentioned are not actually, 'grains' but rather pseudo-cereals, rhizomes, etc. However, commonly, they are thought of as grains and certainly, valuable in a grain-education quiz.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blossom Forth! Release, Restore & Rejuvenate For Spring!

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,

Feeling bloated, congested, sluggish, recurrent thought patterns, jittery, spacey, angry, withdrawn, depressed?

Consider what you are eating, drinking, thinking, feeling, and practicing in your life. Spring is arriving-time to simplify and cleanse!

Each organ and physiological system has its own peak cleansing season. Springtime is peak cleansing time for liver & gallbladder. When the liver and gallbladder are clogged, toxic, not functioning in optimal states of wellness or 'tonified' (yes, most organs have muscles and can be flabby or toned, like other muscles in the body!) we experience varying, states of internal 'disharmony' which then extend into other aspects of our creativity, productiveness, thought patterns, work habits, familial relationships, friendships and more.

In Winter, we often crave extra 'hibernation', indoor or internal activities-particularly, food, down time, and sleep. Maybe we've watched alot of movies, spent a great deal of time on the computer, or put in long hours at work, cooking, driving. However, as Spring arrives, the body, mind, heart & spirit desire new, refreshing, uplifting, cleaner ways of living.

Try these tips to release toxicity, restore your palate, and rejuvenate your being:

*Cut down on coffee & add in green/white/and herbal teas (hot or cold), fresh squeezed juices, lemonades, limeades, ginger drinks, smoothies, water and other cool, refreshing bevvies.

*Increase raw fruits & veggies, whole grains & beans, live & cultured foods like sprouts, natural pickles, kombucha, or plain yogurt (cow, goat, soy).

*Cut down on (or out) heavy dairy, white flours & sugars, excessively, salty, sweet, packaged, canned and preserved foods.

*Add in sour & pungent foods like radishes, turnips, collard greens, beet greens, grapefruits, high quality vinegars (apple cider, brown rice), paprika, cumin.

*Use honey or maple syrup instead of white sugar & corn syrup.

*Use flax, olive, or grapeseed oil rather than vegetable or corn oil.

*Switch up your exercise routine-head outside, stretch more, try a new sport.

*Examine thought patterns and stored emotions--practice releasing the old and incorporating the new.

*Clean your house thoroughly, open closets, purge the basement, scrub dark & dusty corners.

*Consider adding a new, spiritual element into your life like a calming meditation or zen fountain.

Remember, the healing work we practice in the Spring also, leads to greater energy, strength, fulfillment, joy, and harmony in the Summer.

Blossom forth!

Peace, Love & Healing,

Holistic Health Coach & Consultant

Time For Your Seasonal Tune-Up! Pineapple Smoothie...Mmm!

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,

Feeling sluggish from the Winter?
Lingering cold or cough?
Wishing you had more mental clarity & focus?
Seeking greater inner harmony?

When seasons change we naturally, feel the shift in our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits. Transitioning harmoniously with the seasons means cleansing and preparing through adjusting diet, herbs, exercise, sleep and other daily, habits.

How do we know which changes to make? Nature guides us intuitively but sometimes, we need extra support to learn how to most effectively, make the health & wellness changes we seek.

Schedule your Holistic Wellness session today to learn how you can heal various chronic health conditions, strengthen immunity, and tap into a lifestyle that works uniquely, for you!

Peace, Love & Healing,

Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant
Women's & Community Holistic Wellness Educator

Saturday, February 6, 2010

When Anger = Anchor & Healing Through Love

Dear Friends,

How many of us live with continual anger in hearts? Do you use anger rather than love, as your anchor in some or all relationships?

Anger causes hormonal responses in the body that contribute to high blood pressure, blood vessel constriction, organ toxicity, muscle tension, heart strain, premature aging, sleep disturbances, intestinal imbalance, adrenal fatigue, weak nails/hair/skin, slow healing responses, and cell mutation. Anger also, causes the mind to race, forcing the body into 'fight or flight' response for excessively, long periods of time which encourages not only, physical but emotional depletion, depression, anxiety, attention deficit, dejection, and alienation from people and activities we love. In addition, perpetual anger causes a repression of the spirit and chi-or essential energies, including stagnation of energy, excess heat & energy pockets, hyperfixation and/or disconnection from self.

There is quite a large body of both anecdotal as well as statistical evidence that living in continual anger forces the body to stay in high gear rather than allowing the body to shift into neutral, which our whole being needs to recieve homeostatic balance, respite, and healing.

So, how do we identify and reduce anger in our lives?

Answering these quick questions may help-
Are you quick to lose your temper? How often do you yell at other drivers on the road? Do you use food, alcohol, or other substances/behaviors as secret vices for comfort to hide your emotions rather than sharing? Do you find yourself becoming angrier at home or work than you wish to be? Is it difficult for you to apologize to others? If probably, need to work on some anger reduction strategies!

Remedies for anger include: physical exercise, well-balanced eating, consistent sleep habits, emotional processing, therapeutic groupwork, counseling, good communication, healthy sensual life, meditation, prayer, spirituality, self-inflection, nature, music, art, relaxing time with children & family...and so, many more. Which are your favorites?

Remember...relieving anger in healthy ways takes practice! However, sustainable changes in habits ultimately, lead to better health & longevity and a more fulfilling life. So, give it a try-pull up that anchor of anger and set sail with love!

Peace, Love & Healing,

Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant
Women's & Community Holistic Wellness Educator

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
So, many group members contribute wonderful links to our group wall ~ thank you! I recommend spending a few minutes reading an article or two that you may enjoy!

Link Highlights

Coconut Oil For Health
Healthy Pre-Yoga Elixirs: Fresh Almond Milk, Tropical Delight, Green Goddess
Gemstone Healing Properties
5 Easy Steps To Stay Safe & Private On Facebook
Cell Health Directly Linked To Chronic Stress
7 Secrets To Becoming A Miracle In The Making
Essential Oils
Sopa De Coliflor
Improving Emotional Health
Conflict Resolution: Resolving Conflict Rationally & Effectively
Centre For Child Honouring
Fennel Seeds For Digestive Disorders
5 Good Reasons To Consider Living In A Yurt
Albany Times Union Holistic Health Blog: Profile Of A Holistic Practitioner
Top 10 Greenest Cities
Grade A Breast Milk
Exotic Hybrid Cars
Shikai Products
Book End Babes: Chocolate Syrup Cake
MLK: 6 Facts About Nonviolent Resistance
Chlorophyll Blocks Absorption Of Toxic Carcinogens
Groundwork USA
Reversing Itself, FDA Expresses Concerns Over Health Risks From BPA
Take A Look At The Chemicals In Processed Foods
Having Sex Twice A Week Reduces Chance Of Heart Attack By Half
Body Soul Spirit Magazine
Living Longer In Love
Homeopathy: Lead Effects Brain Function & Criminal Behavior
Seeing The Effects Of Climate Change
7 Diet & Lifestyle Changes To Cure Depression
Love Your Insides!
Mango Effective In Stopping Certain Colon & Breast Cancer Cells
Gender-Biased Heart Damage
Childhood Abuse Linked To Migraines
Traditional Chinese Medicine Guide
GM (Genetically Modified) Corn Causes Organ Damage
The Americanization of Mental Illness
Learn To Sleep The Way A Yogi Does
Non-GMO Project
Truly, Mouthwatering: Homemade, Warm Buttery Pretzels
Follow Your Nose-Health & Green Living

Be sure to join our other Holistic Health & Natural Healing groups!

Holistic Health & Natural Healing

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Balancing & Breathing Amidst Life's Struggles & Juggles

Dear Friends,

So, often in life we find ourselves juggling many, different balls at once. Precariously and with tenacity, we must keep each ball up in the air, moving in rhythm and time with the others to make certain they all stay up. The faster the balls move, the more dizzying and the more we feel insistent upon keeping them up.

But what happens when life throws another ball or 2 or 3 into the mix and we just can't seem to keep them all up in the air anymore?

Do we drop the balls and run off, embarrassed by our failure?
Should we immediately, pick up the balls and start trying to force the juggle again, right away, pushing and struggling to look perfect? Might we hold anger towards the balls or toward life for forcing us to take on more than we feel we can handle?

Or--could we use the energetic release of the balls crashing to the ground as a moment to release ourselves from the burden of constantly, trying to keep everything together in our lives...take a breath...and then pick up the balls again, with new verve, vision, peace, reflection, commitment, joy and even humor (!) --ultimately, using the crash as an uplifting, teachable moment, a time to draw closer to ourselves, our bodies, our spirituality, our life paths?

One might consider-
Perhaps, we were trying to juggle too many balls in the first place.
Perhaps, one of the balls is no longer inflated and it was simply, time to lay that ball to rest. Or perhaps, we will not reach our potential, see how much we truly can balance-unless challenged beyond what we feel our capacity is.

This week, try slowing down, keeping yourself rooted in your tasks, and breathing while you are juggling life's chores and pleasures. Breathing helps us to stay connected to our bodies, maintain balance, focus, and integrity when performing a task. Breathing also, allows us to see when we are juggling too many aspects of life and must let go of one or more. Breathing helps us cultivate the mental clarity and openness to see when we truly, can add another ball into the mix with grace and ease, fulfilling our potential. Lastly, breathing allows us to let go of the struggle and enjoy the juggle!

Have a beautiful, relaxing week, balanced week amidst life's struggles & juggles!

Peace, Love & Healing,

Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant
Women's & Community Holistic Wellness Educator

Help Heal Haiti!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

'Personhood' & The Divine Wholeness of Being

Dear Friends,

Take a moment to consider this thought...
'When I meet someone, I most connect with, value, and respect their:'

a. profession
b. religion
c. income
d. family
e. gender
f. native language
g. area of town they live in
h. color of their skin
i. style
j. personhood

While all of the above factors contribute to how we connect and empathize with others, only. j.-personhood provides for universal respect and appreciation toward another human being.

We each reach personal peaks in various, areas of our lives at unique times. To judge others--or ourselves--based on any single or even, combination of characteristics or events usually, means abandoning the 'whole' picture in lieu of a smaller, compartmentalized, and limiting frame.

While this can be a helpful, attribute for analysis or evaluation in circumstances like a 6 month job review, a meeting with a teacher, or even a self-help quiz in a magazine the only, assurance of treating others with dignity and equivalently, being treated with dignity by others, is to embrace the whole person as a unique, miraculous, divine being.

As we watch the frames captured by the media in Haiti, let's remember to look beyond the camera lens of tragedy and chaos in an effort to connect with the truest spirit and personhood of that divine being.

Similarly, next time you look in the mirror, try smiling and saying to yourself, 'I AM a unique, miraculous, divine, *WHOLE* being!'

Peace, Love & Healing,

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Please, keep up the wonderful, sustainable giving to Haiti!
Many, incredible & diverse organizations and opportunities to give to!

List of Organizations to Help Heal Haiti

List of Organizations to Help Heal Haiti's Women

Friday, January 22, 2010

Fundraisers & Benefits For Haiti-This Weekend-in/around Bmore & DC!

Dear Friends,

I thank you all for becoming part of this group and look forward to your ideas & contributions!

My mind & heart remain on Haiti this week and focusing on how we each can give, do, offer, empathize more with Haiti from within our own lives. Every dollar, every action, every prayer helps to relieve the cataclysm, tremendous heartache, and suffering Haitians are experiencing.

Below are some fun and easy, opportunities to give to Haiti in/around Baltimore & DC this weekend. There are links to the posts below on B'more Holistic wall! These will also, be posted at: with continued updates. Please, message me if you know of other fundraisers & benefits! And of course, please, share with others ;*)

Have a wonderful and safe weekend,

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


*Vegan Bake Sale For Haiti (I don't see one in Bmore or DC, yet-You could be the first!)

*Whole Foods Mt. Washington Raised $11,000 In Haiti Relief-Make Donations Of Any Amt At Register!

*OriolesReach To Raise Funds For Haitian Relief Effort at 2010 FanFest This Saturday, 1/23

*Bad Decisions Bar is donating a $1.00 for every tropical fresh fruit drink purchased through January 23rd. 1928 Fleet Street.

*Hopkins-Affiliated Aid Group (Jhpiego) Heads To Haiti To Help Pregnant Women, Children / Jhpiego, A Hopkins Affiliate-Global Leader In Improving Health Care

*Indie Fixx Haiti Relief Fundraiser & Silent Auction - Place your

*Baltimore County Students Assist Earthquake Victims


*Tonite! 1/22, Haiti Benefit Concert for the Red Cross Relief Effort: Brother Shamus, The Walkways, No Second Troy, Boxcar Collision, Bobby Thompson and more. IOTA Club & Cafe. Donations based., Arlington, VA

*CrisisCamp Haiti, Washington DC-Sat-1/23-Technology volunteers in 3 countries & 10 cities join together to assist Haiti Relief efforts

*Georgetown for Haiti
Lululemon (2nd Floor) - 3265 M St. N.W. - Washington
January 22 : 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Join some of Georgetown's most well-known spots to help make a difference in Haiti with free food, drinks and special donation packages.

*Friday for Haiti Happy Hour
Local 16 - 1602 U St. N.W. - Northwest
January 22 : 6:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Make a donation and get free food and free beer!

*Hands Together Haiti Happy Hour
Fly Lounge - 1802 Jefferson St. N.W. - Northwest
January 22 : 6 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Get "pre-flight" drink specials and help a Haitian non-profit group devastated by the earthquake.

*Haiti Earthquake Relief Yoga Classes
Circle Yoga - 3838 Northampton St. N.W. - Washington
January 23 : 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Yoga All Levels
If drinking and partying isn't your thing, try yoga for a good cause.

*Stars Bistro and Bar
2120 P St. N.W. - Washington
Come out to this Mediterranean-American bistro on Sunday, January 24 and don't be stingy with your order! The restaurant will be donating 20% of their sales for the day to UNICEF. And as always, entertainment will be free courtesy of their singing servers!

*Taco Tuesdays For Haiti
Third Edition - 1218 Wisconsin Ave. - Northwest
January 26 : 8:30 p.m. - 2 a.m.
Show your support for Haiti with $2 tacos and margaritas and $3 beers!

*Rock and Roll Relief for Haiti
Rock and Roll Hotel - 1353 H St. N.E. - Northeast
January 27 : 6 p.m. Doors open at 5 p.m.
Enjoy some great live music for a great cause!
Restaurant Specials for Haiti
Various -
Daily (ends February 19)
Enjoy featured dishes from some of D.C.'s best restaurants and help support the Red Cross.

(Help Haiti and get great deals! Sign up for the What's The Deal D.C. newsletter and help a great cause.)

~Baltimore-Haiti Fundraising Events From The Last 10 Days:~

*Church, Cub Scout Pack Raises Funds For Haiti

*Picture of Health: Baltimore Medical Teams Provide Updates From Haiti

*Baltimore Restaurants & Bars Raising Money For Earthquake Victims

More great links, stories, ways to help on group wall!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Rising Up From The Rubble & The Power of Sustainable Giving

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,

Each one of us has experienced a time in life when we've felt our world was crashing down. Maybe, the loss of a loved one; an accident of some kind; a marriage falling apart; termination from job; a sick child. Some of us have lived through disasters-the Tsunami in Asia, Hurricane Katrina, or 9/11.

When we transport ourselves back to that time and remember the pain, struggle, fear, and emptiness-we generally, choose not to linger too, long revisiting those feelings. Who wants to spend one extra minute suffering in life?

However, at this time, I feel we are being asked to reconnect with our own personal struggles in order to become more compassionate, empathetic, liberated, united individuals. While no gift is too small, for many of us, it is quite, a simple task to make a small, one-time donation, even in challenging economic times, and get back to our daily, routines. While, giving of any kind is a great deed, challenging ourselves to give sustainably is another story, altogether.

Sustainable giving requires commitment, tenacity, focus, determination, fortitude, deep generosity, open-heartedness, and self-sacrifice. However, the reward is not only, that we receive the privelege of helping others in long-term and meaningful ways but we also palpably, get to see the benefit of our change over time. We receive innumerable blessings, growth, and fulfillment from even the smallest of regular giving to those in need. We remold and sculpt the world to become a better place--and in the process, we too, become better for our outreach in body, mind, heart, spirit and soul.

Aren't we all "in need" in some way? Don't we all rely on each other for help? Who, in this world, can survive without interdependence from friends, family, community, and the Earth?

Here are some suggestions for sustainable giving to Haiti:

-Donate $5 once a week in 2010 via text message
-Donate $1 every day in 2010 via text message
-Give a small donation to a collection box each time you see one (could even be $.50)
-Set up a blog and post a prayer, photo, song, or link for Haiti each morning when you turn on your computer
-Change your email signature to include your favorite not-for-profit that works in Haiti with a line inviting friends to give
-Host a round-robin fundraiser dinner with friends once/month for a year where you each make contributions to a kitty and send to a Haiti Orphanage
-Clean out your house each season, hold a yard sale, and donate proceeds to local Missions to Haiti

I have posted and will continue to post many, resources for ways to give to Haiti on our group wall. I invite and encourage you to post your own ideas, as well. Who knows? Maybe, someone else will see your post and be inspired to give. Then your giving will be multiplied by 2 or 10 or 100.

Here is a wonderful list of charitable organizations to donate to Haiti:

To this list I add:

U.N. World Food Programme

Carma Foundation

Women For A Change

Google List of Haiti Orphanage Organizations:

There are so, many more incredible, options for sustainable, giving. I look forward to reading about your ideas and links!

With love & respect for the fragility and blessings of human life,

Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant
Women's & Community Holistic Wellness Educator

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Self-Empowerment As Healer

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,

I hope this message finds you well, enjoying Winter sports, eating and drinking warming foods, herbs, and liquids, and embracing the cozy moments that cool seasons have to offer. Remember, immunity, strength, and relaxation we cultivate in Winter months will support us in Summer months, too!

For those in the group who are from warmer climates or perhaps, even, where it is Summer right now, I hope you are staying cool and reading along to be prepared for colder weather, rains, or shifting temperatures as they may come your way.

In my last newsletter, I discussed gentle, transitions into the New Year with embrace of change in simple, enjoyable, fulfilling ways. Does this mean we shouldn't set goals? Look thoroughly, at our actions, lives, homes for improvement? Make dietary, exercise, relationship, financial shifts where needed? Of course not!

It simply, means that the most successful, sustainable changes are those we embrace at our own pace; incorporate into our lives in a meaningful fashion; and connect with in ways that uniquely, suit our individual needs and lifestyles.

In so doing, we empower self to take charge of our own, wellness. We regain belief and trust in our instincts. We value the wisdom, kindness, and suggestions of those around us. However, we stay our course as to what works best for us, as individuals, and know this to be the best path to long-term happiness and health.

When it comes to a life-time of prevention, maintenance, and treating illness, we each are responsible for ourselves and therefore are our own, best healers!

Thanks, to so, many new group members with the new year and to loyal members-as always ;*)

Peace, Love and Healing,

Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant
Women's & Community Holistic Wellness Educator


Link Highlights

Soothing Ayurvedic Foot Massage
PBS: This Emotional Life
Garden & The Good Life: Best Green Blogs Directory
Albany Times Union Blog: Strength In Numbers
Reducing Indoor Air Pollution
Nicholas Kristof: Religion & Women
Washington Couple To Pay For Wedding With Recycling
Brasil Jumps On Organic Bandwagon
Treating Psychological Abuse Key To Healing
Native American Quotes
Why Random Acts Of Kindness Are So Important
Foods That Prevent Memory Loss
Healthy Eating On The Road
Petition To Save Cretan Palm & Flowers

Diets! Resolutions! Reality! Oh My! Or...??

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,

Well, it's that time of the year, again. The beginning of a whole, new chapter. A new you, a new life, a new chance to start over. Thinking about what we should have, could have, would have done and how to make huge changes to live life differently.


What if this year, this brand new year and new decade, of 2010 is just an extension of the last one? What if you already, have what you need to be successful, you just need to continue cultivating and manifesting it? What if you are an incredible, beautiful, compassionate, divine creature, as you are? What if, instead of focusing on all that we don't have and all that we need to do, we actively, choose to focus on strategized, manageable, enjoyable steps to positive change in the new year...and always!

What if, rather than signing on for the latest shtick or gimmick you look inside yourself and trust that you will find a different way to do things? A way of self-love, personal empowerment, celebration? No more yo-yo dieting, no more on-again off-again with exercise, no more anger that the world isn't making things go the way YOU want them to happen. What if, instead, you take charge of your own life? You set up healthy, happy, sustainable ways of eating, exercising, resting, enjoying, loving, healing?

It is possible!
It is worthwhile!
It is fulfilling!

Living healthfully, on a consistent basis takes time, commitment, energy and tenacity. However, both true intellect and deep wisdom teach us that creating lasting, sustainable change in our lives is worthwhile and is also, the best way to prevent disease, as well as to heal faster from sicknesses we may develop. Prevention is key. Self-empowerment is essential. Affordability is central to maintenance.

So, this New Year 2010, when you look in the mirror or think about how you want to live, instead of the shoulda woulda coulda camp...try the I CAN! I DO! I AM! camp. And check out our group links to learn how to take manageable steps to truly, be healthy, happy, relaxed and delighted by your own life this year. When we feel better about ourselves, keep a positive attitude, stay connected to nature and 'whole' living, even through life's trials and errors, we always come out on top.

Just look for the silver lining!

Peace, Love & Healing,

Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant
Women's & Community Holistic Wellness Educator

Link Highlights

Be sure to join our new, Holistic Health & Natural Healing groups!

Holistic Health & Natural Healing - KIDS

Holistic Health & Natural Healing - Business Network

January ~ National Cervical Cancer Awareness Month!
Year-Round Sustainable Giving
Baby Boomer Health & Wellness
Green Sex
Music Therapy
Mother Nature Network
Healing Wounds of War Through Yoga
Men's Coaching & Personal Development Tools
LGBT Rights
Empowering Your Intentions Workshop 1/9, Pacific Palisades
Natural Insomnia Cures
Alternative Medicine For Treating Cancer
New Therapy For Impotence
Yoga Becoming Popular Among Athletes
Green Housing
Maine Considering Cell Phone Cancer Warning
Steve Jobs: How To Live Before You Die (video)
What Is Cupping?
Best Eco-Friendly Wines
Sample of Green For Clean Facial Toner