Building Holistic Community In Baltimore, Maryland, East Coast, USA

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Balancing & Breathing Amidst Life's Struggles & Juggles

Dear Friends,

So, often in life we find ourselves juggling many, different balls at once. Precariously and with tenacity, we must keep each ball up in the air, moving in rhythm and time with the others to make certain they all stay up. The faster the balls move, the more dizzying and the more we feel insistent upon keeping them up.

But what happens when life throws another ball or 2 or 3 into the mix and we just can't seem to keep them all up in the air anymore?

Do we drop the balls and run off, embarrassed by our failure?
Should we immediately, pick up the balls and start trying to force the juggle again, right away, pushing and struggling to look perfect? Might we hold anger towards the balls or toward life for forcing us to take on more than we feel we can handle?

Or--could we use the energetic release of the balls crashing to the ground as a moment to release ourselves from the burden of constantly, trying to keep everything together in our lives...take a breath...and then pick up the balls again, with new verve, vision, peace, reflection, commitment, joy and even humor (!) --ultimately, using the crash as an uplifting, teachable moment, a time to draw closer to ourselves, our bodies, our spirituality, our life paths?

One might consider-
Perhaps, we were trying to juggle too many balls in the first place.
Perhaps, one of the balls is no longer inflated and it was simply, time to lay that ball to rest. Or perhaps, we will not reach our potential, see how much we truly can balance-unless challenged beyond what we feel our capacity is.

This week, try slowing down, keeping yourself rooted in your tasks, and breathing while you are juggling life's chores and pleasures. Breathing helps us to stay connected to our bodies, maintain balance, focus, and integrity when performing a task. Breathing also, allows us to see when we are juggling too many aspects of life and must let go of one or more. Breathing helps us cultivate the mental clarity and openness to see when we truly, can add another ball into the mix with grace and ease, fulfilling our potential. Lastly, breathing allows us to let go of the struggle and enjoy the juggle!

Have a beautiful, relaxing week, balanced week amidst life's struggles & juggles!

Peace, Love & Healing,

Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant
Women's & Community Holistic Wellness Educator

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