Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,
I hope this message finds you well, enjoying Winter sports, eating and drinking warming foods, herbs, and liquids, and embracing the cozy moments that cool seasons have to offer. Remember, immunity, strength, and relaxation we cultivate in Winter months will support us in Summer months, too!
For those in the group who are from warmer climates or perhaps, even, where it is Summer right now, I hope you are staying cool and reading along to be prepared for colder weather, rains, or shifting temperatures as they may come your way.
In my last newsletter, I discussed gentle, transitions into the New Year with embrace of change in simple, enjoyable, fulfilling ways. Does this mean we shouldn't set goals? Look thoroughly, at our actions, lives, homes for improvement? Make dietary, exercise, relationship, financial shifts where needed? Of course not!
It simply, means that the most successful, sustainable changes are those we embrace at our own pace; incorporate into our lives in a meaningful fashion; and connect with in ways that uniquely, suit our individual needs and lifestyles.
In so doing, we empower self to take charge of our own, wellness. We regain belief and trust in our instincts. We value the wisdom, kindness, and suggestions of those around us. However, we stay our course as to what works best for us, as individuals, and know this to be the best path to long-term happiness and health.
When it comes to a life-time of prevention, maintenance, and treating illness, we each are responsible for ourselves and therefore are our own, best healers!
Thanks, to so, many new group members with the new year and to loyal members-as always ;*)
Peace, Love and Healing,
Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant
Women's & Community Holistic Wellness Educator
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Building Holistic Community In Baltimore, Maryland, East Coast, USA