Building Holistic Community In Baltimore, Maryland, East Coast, USA

Saturday, February 6, 2010

When Anger = Anchor & Healing Through Love

Dear Friends,

How many of us live with continual anger in hearts? Do you use anger rather than love, as your anchor in some or all relationships?

Anger causes hormonal responses in the body that contribute to high blood pressure, blood vessel constriction, organ toxicity, muscle tension, heart strain, premature aging, sleep disturbances, intestinal imbalance, adrenal fatigue, weak nails/hair/skin, slow healing responses, and cell mutation. Anger also, causes the mind to race, forcing the body into 'fight or flight' response for excessively, long periods of time which encourages not only, physical but emotional depletion, depression, anxiety, attention deficit, dejection, and alienation from people and activities we love. In addition, perpetual anger causes a repression of the spirit and chi-or essential energies, including stagnation of energy, excess heat & energy pockets, hyperfixation and/or disconnection from self.

There is quite a large body of both anecdotal as well as statistical evidence that living in continual anger forces the body to stay in high gear rather than allowing the body to shift into neutral, which our whole being needs to recieve homeostatic balance, respite, and healing.

So, how do we identify and reduce anger in our lives?

Answering these quick questions may help-
Are you quick to lose your temper? How often do you yell at other drivers on the road? Do you use food, alcohol, or other substances/behaviors as secret vices for comfort to hide your emotions rather than sharing? Do you find yourself becoming angrier at home or work than you wish to be? Is it difficult for you to apologize to others? If probably, need to work on some anger reduction strategies!

Remedies for anger include: physical exercise, well-balanced eating, consistent sleep habits, emotional processing, therapeutic groupwork, counseling, good communication, healthy sensual life, meditation, prayer, spirituality, self-inflection, nature, music, art, relaxing time with children & family...and so, many more. Which are your favorites?

Remember...relieving anger in healthy ways takes practice! However, sustainable changes in habits ultimately, lead to better health & longevity and a more fulfilling life. So, give it a try-pull up that anchor of anger and set sail with love!

Peace, Love & Healing,

Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant
Women's & Community Holistic Wellness Educator

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So, many group members contribute wonderful links to our group wall ~ thank you! I recommend spending a few minutes reading an article or two that you may enjoy!

Link Highlights

Coconut Oil For Health
Healthy Pre-Yoga Elixirs: Fresh Almond Milk, Tropical Delight, Green Goddess
Gemstone Healing Properties
5 Easy Steps To Stay Safe & Private On Facebook
Cell Health Directly Linked To Chronic Stress
7 Secrets To Becoming A Miracle In The Making
Essential Oils
Sopa De Coliflor
Improving Emotional Health
Conflict Resolution: Resolving Conflict Rationally & Effectively
Centre For Child Honouring
Fennel Seeds For Digestive Disorders
5 Good Reasons To Consider Living In A Yurt
Albany Times Union Holistic Health Blog: Profile Of A Holistic Practitioner
Top 10 Greenest Cities
Grade A Breast Milk
Exotic Hybrid Cars
Shikai Products
Book End Babes: Chocolate Syrup Cake
MLK: 6 Facts About Nonviolent Resistance
Chlorophyll Blocks Absorption Of Toxic Carcinogens
Groundwork USA
Reversing Itself, FDA Expresses Concerns Over Health Risks From BPA
Take A Look At The Chemicals In Processed Foods
Having Sex Twice A Week Reduces Chance Of Heart Attack By Half
Body Soul Spirit Magazine
Living Longer In Love
Homeopathy: Lead Effects Brain Function & Criminal Behavior
Seeing The Effects Of Climate Change
7 Diet & Lifestyle Changes To Cure Depression
Love Your Insides!
Mango Effective In Stopping Certain Colon & Breast Cancer Cells
Gender-Biased Heart Damage
Childhood Abuse Linked To Migraines
Traditional Chinese Medicine Guide
GM (Genetically Modified) Corn Causes Organ Damage
The Americanization of Mental Illness
Learn To Sleep The Way A Yogi Does
Non-GMO Project
Truly, Mouthwatering: Homemade, Warm Buttery Pretzels
Follow Your Nose-Health & Green Living

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Holistic Health & Natural Healing