Building Holistic Community In Baltimore, Maryland, East Coast, USA

Monday, August 16, 2010

Staying Cool & Delighting In The Outdoors!

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,

Perhaps, you've missed our newsletters the last number of weeks?
So, where've we been, you're wondering?
You guessed it! Outside.

Summer is such a delightful time to spend out of doors.
Long days, warm rains, flowers blooming, fresh fruits, veggies & herbs in the garden. So, many Summer sports to choose from--swimming, boating, hiking, camping. Long nights relaxing with family & friends. That's how Summer should be spent, in my book!

Summer is the most 'Yang' time of the year--Hot, bright, busy, blossoming, full of movement.

How are you keeping your 'Yin' cool and staying balanced this Summer?

Lots of swims, siestas, and enjoying the luxuriously, long days?

I love to make juices with watermelon, cucumber & mint.
And smoothies with canteloupe & yogurt.
Stir-fry dinners rich with bright, colorful vegetables and salads, filled with herbs galore also, tempt the Summer palate!
Dollop on some of your own, freshly, whipped cream with local Summer honey for an added treat to your morning fruit salad!

What are your favorite Summer recipes and activities?
Be sure to post them to our group wall!

Peace, Love & Healing,

Jennifer Sachs, Holistic Health Coach & Consultant